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467 years of  
São Paulo 

Instituto Butantan 

“São Paulo, Cidade-Ciência” is a video created by Ateliê Digital Analógico in celebration of the 467 years of São Paulo. The projection was provided by a partnership between the Institute and the São Paulo Department of Culture, its theme was the advances in technology and São Paulo as a science-producing hub.

content and mapping Atelie Digital Analógico, Caio Fazolin, Tatiane  Gonzalez
participation Lígia Alonso e Letícia Pantoja
projectors and media servers On Projeções
images Bia Ferrer
edition Henrique Jum


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Rua Ada Negri 82, Santo Amaro, São Paulo, SP  04755-000 _︎  +5511 3034.5088

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