Círio de Nazaré
Video mapping Basilica Sanctuary of Nazaré, Belém-PA.
The Círio de Nazaré is the largest Catholic demonstration in Brazil and one of the largest in the world, bringing together more than 2 million people in a single day. It is declared the Cultural Heritage of Humanity by Unesco.
On Projeções has been present for the last three years bringing art to this beautiful and traditional celebration in Brazil.
general management VJ Lobo
production Marcel Arede e Viviane Chaves
content production Muirak Studio
creative direction Gustavo Medeiros
screenplay Ítalo Miranda
realization Amplicriativa e VJ Lobo
direction and technical production Ihon Yadoya e Rizomatique
technical project Douglas Marote e Rizomatique
projectors On Projeções
equipaments CN Produções
structures Loc Engenharia
team ON Ricardo Macedo
sponsorship Equatorial
support Basilica Belem do Pará e Basílica de Nazaré