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Project that received an honorable mention from the award given by Infocomm in Las Vegas in 2011, Most Innovative use of AV Technology for an outdoor event.

Coating of Coca Cola headquarters building in Botafogo Beach, in Rio.

48m x 19m façade and 25 cm dot pitch between pixels Maximum consumption of the entire screen: 4KVAs (equivalent to a shower on) The project was totally sustainable: it contained 130 board modules solar panels, which supplied the screen and gave it additional energy, compensating, way, the consumption of electricity when there was no sunlight. All the supply was done through intelligent energy, that is, a photocell automatically controlled the activation of the clusters through the brightness of the environment.

It interfered little in the architecture of the facade, without harming the entry of light building.

The project ran for only 2 days. Immediately after your conclusion and on the first night that the City of Rio de Janeiro was connected ordered Coca-Cola to shut it down. Project and execution: ON Projections and AV Produções

images José Roberto Couto / Fernando Carvalho

video Octavio Martins

Coca Cola Headquarters, Rio de Janeiro, February 2010

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