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SP Rock Mapping

Minhocão Videomapping

In São Paulo, in Minhocão, a festival of projections in the buildings. 3 projectors of 20,000 lumens laser were installed in an apartment and the projections were made from the window, using the energy of the place itself.

VJ's VJ Suave, Dark light Studio, Studio Curva, Bianca Turner, Clara Filmes, Laura Fragoso, Embolex, Junião, Juliana Lima e Roberta Carvalho
idealization Atelie Digital Analógico
design and production Atelie Digital Analógico, Arteria e Desmonta
images Bia Ferrer
edition Henrique Jum


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Rua Ada Negri 82, Santo Amaro, São Paulo, SP  04755-000 _︎  +5511 3034.5088

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