Stimulate Empathy Edify
Niemeyer Path
Projections on the Niemeyer Path, in Niterói, at the MAC – Museum of Contemporary Art and at the Oscar Niemeyer Popular Theater. The Niemeyer Way is a set of equipment and a cultural center designed by Oscar Niemeyer, in the coastal neighborhoods of the city of Niterói. The construction complex extends for 11 km, along the edge of the city. At MAC we use laser projectors with a brightness of 20,000 lumens and at the Theater laser projectors with a brightness of 12,000 lumens.
More than 800 students from Edify's partner schools participated in the Stimulate Empatia project. They listened to the stories of grandpa and grandpa and made their versions in the form of drawings, which were later collected in memoirs given to each of the elderly people.
To perpetuate the moment, the designs were designed.
realization Edify Education
agency Agencia Conception
images Marcelo Freire
video edition Henrique Jum